Rudy Trujillo
Rudy has been in the Title & Escrow industry since 1995. Confucius was quoted saying, “choose a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life”. Rudy emulates that statement as he makes himself available to his customers on weekends, vacations, and hasn’t used an “Out of Office” for his emails in over a decade.
Data is so important to Loan Officers and Realtors, making Rudy the go-to person. If the information is available, Rudy knows where to find it. If the market has you stuck in a rut, call Rudy and he’ll have multiple, budget friendly marketing suggestions to get you moving forward again.
Perhaps you’d like to check title on a property to see if everything looks good prior to starting a transaction. Maybe your client would like to examine the CCRs prior to writing an Offer to Purchase, instead of during the 10-day inspection period. Rudy can save you a lot of time and headache with just an email or phone call.
Contact Rudy today and chat with him. You’ll be glad you did.
Armed with this knowledge, Rudy custom designs search criteria specifically to focus on your market target in order to maximize a return on investment. Utilizing cutting edge marketing Rudy has been in the Title and Escrow industry since 1995, has held has held positions in escrow, title, managed market research departments for several title companies and was a corporate officer for a Fortune 500 corporation.
Armed with this knowledge, Rudy custom designs search criteria specifically to focus on your market target in order to maximize a return on investment. Utilizing cutting edge marketing